Nearly 600 stock plans

Creating Your Custom
Florida Barndominium Floor Plans

As construction professionals that specialize in barndominium construction we realized early on that we needed to partner with a professional architectural firm to help our customers get the best plans & pricing.

We took our initial 8 floor plans and partnered with Architectural Designs, the largest online platform for stock and custom barndo and modern farmhouse blueprints.

This allows us to focus on the construction side and gives you a huge selection of professional house plans.

About Architectural Designs

Whether you’re looking to convert a traditional barn into a home, want a combination living/working space or want to take advantage of the benefits of a custom barndominium home, Architectural Designs is sure to have custom barn house plans that meet your needs and budget.

In order to keep drafting costs down, we partnered with AD to help give our clients more options and the ability to custom house plans. Our customers have been very pleased with this arrangement and many other barndominium builders also partner with them.

Their floor plan designers can help you get custom Florida Barndominium Floor Plans for an affordable price. We’re talking about saving thousands of dollars versus working with a local Florida architect.

Ready To Get Started

We are here 24/7 to help you get your project started.